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The Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly, also known as PACE, began in 1984. It is a program to help older Pennsylvanians get the prescriptions they need at a discounted rate (the program is funded through the proceeds of the lottery). Currently, PACE covers more than 192,000 elder Pennsylvanians. PACENET covers an additional 98,000 persons whose income falls just above the limits of PACE, but who still need assistance with prescription charges.

Until the start of the new year, the application process included providing age, residence and income documentation to determine eligibility. Effective January 1, 2005, those applying for PACE/PACENET will no longer have to provide these documents upon submitting the application. However, applicants must certify they have complete and accurate information on applications. If the information is incorrect, the applicant may be asked to reimburse the program for benefits for which they were ineligible. The applicant's information will now be verified through data exchanges with government agencies.

If you meet the following eligibility requirements, please contact your local Area Agency on Aging by calling 1-800-225-7223 or on the internet at www.aging.state.pa.us.


Eligbility Requirements :
You must be 65 years or older
You must be a PA resident for at least 90 days prior to date of application
You can not be enrolled in a Department of Public Welfare Medicaid Prescription Benefit
You must meet the following yearly income requirements (income requirements based on previous year's income)

See Chart Below for reference

PACE SINGLE: $14,500 or less



$17,700 or less combined

PACENET SINGLE: $14,500-$23,500



$17,700-$31,500 combined

$6 copay for each generic prescription




$9 copay for each brand name prescription

$40 monthly deductible


$8 copay for generic prescription


$15 copay for brand name prescription


Law Office of
105 East Oregon Road
Lititz, Pennsylvania 17543

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| Phone: 717-560-4966

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